Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Production of documentary: Screenshots

Here are the screenshots took thorughout the production of the '40 Winks' which shows how we edited and put the documentary together.

Documentary Production

Here are the pictures we took throughout the development of the documentary '40 Winks'.

Voiceover script for documentary

This is the voiceover for the documentary
Sleep has always been a major part of people’s lives and we all have our own needs for having a good night’s sleep; whether it’s the comfort of being in our own bed, the feel of our favourite cushion or just the company of our old time, one eyed, tatted ted.


The most plausible explanation for the cause of yawning is that oxygen levels in our lungs are low; however, it is widely assumed that yawning is contagious or it occurs because we bored or tired due to lack of sleep, but there is no hard evidence to support this. So what is it that keeps us awake at night?

Sleeping hours
Teenagers need as much sleep as small children, normally around 10 hours, while those over the age of 65 need the least of all, only around six hours. Some studies suggest women need up to an hour's extra sleep a night compared to men, but for the average adult aged 25-55, eight hours is considered optimal.

Distractions at nightMany things can keep us awake or distracted at night, resulting in a lack of sleep and leaving us feeling overtired and deflated. These distractions may be things such as sleepwalking, bad dreams or even the snoring of others around us.

Shift workers/ remediesRetailers such as Lush and Holland and Barrett specialise in selling over the counter remedies and aromatherapy products, specially formulated to help people manage their time around sleep. Such remedies are often used my working mums at the end of a hard day, people who have difficulty sleeping or whose sleeping patterns are disrupted by work.

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Codes and Conventions of Radio Trailers

  • The background music (sound bed) is relevant to the topic
  • Clips from the actual documentary may be used
  • Around 30-40 seconds long
  • Informal language
  • The target audience is addressed
  • Use of accents and languages
  • Sound effects
  • Voiceover is clear and well spoken
  • Voiceover asks questions to involve the audience
  • Voiceover can be intercut throughout
  • Scheduling at the end of the advert using voiceover (time,day,channel)

Voiceover script for radio

Voxpop: “I need my sleep...I need a good 8-10 hours sleep”

Sound bed: Night-time lullaby playing

Voiceover: How many hours sleep do you need to feel refreshed and back on track? For some going to sleep is a natural occurrence, but for others they wish it was that easy.

Voxpop: “My kids keep me awake at night”, “A bad snorer”, “If I’ve got stuff on my mind”

Voiceover: So how important is sleep?

Clip from interview: “We seem to manage quite well without sleep, that’s the major paradox”

Voiceover: And how do we tend to feel when we haven’t had enough sleep?

Voxpop: “Quite moody” “Lousy” “Grumpy”

Voiceover: How much of an impact can a sleeping disorder have on your lifestyle?

Join us as we delve into the other side of sleep...

Voxpop: “I fell asleep on top of a bloody cliff in Wales”

40 Winks, Wednesday, 8.30pm, Channel 4. Had a good night’s sleep?

Radio Trailor Production Screenshots

These are the screenshots for the making of the radio trailor and how it came together while being edited.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Running Order

This is the running order for the documentary.
40 Winks
Channel 4
Wednesday, 8.30pm
27 Minutes (including advert breaks)

Editing of Print Advert

This shows the stages through the making of our print advert for '40 Winks'.

Once we had decided on which image we were going to use for the print advert, we started the editing and production...

Print Advert Draft

Today in the lesson we drew a rough draft of what the print advert is going to look like and how it is going to be layed out.

The image we are going to use is a pair of tired bloodshot eyes to connote what the documentary is about. In the bottom left hand corner is the slogan, name of documenaty and scheduling and in the right hand corner is the channel 4 logo.

Edit Decision List

This is the final edit decision list made for our documentary.