Type of Documentary
Fully narrated/ expository
Fly on the Wall/ observational
Self reflective
Narrative Structure
Single strand
Wide range of shots used
Interviews are either framed to the left or right and eyeline is in the top third
interviewee looks at interviewer rather than the camera
Vox pops- street interviews- general public
Close ups- show emotions
External shots- set scene
Hand held- create shakey feel, audience feel like they are there
Framing on interviews
Interviews often in medium close up/ close up
Creates the mood of documentaries
Adds to the story of the documentaries
Lighting changes the feel and mood of the documentary
Low-key/ high-key lighting
Chiarascuro lighting- see half of the face
Chromokey- moving background in interview
Background can reinforce the content of the interview/ gives more information about the interviewee's personal life/ occupation
Voiceover- holds the narrative together- holds story together
gender of voiceover normally fits/ suits the theme (Voice of God)
Voice usually speaks standard English with calm clear delivery, gender/ age is occasionally relevant to the topic
Ambiant sound
Buzz track
Background music
Incidental music
Zoom in/ out
Slow/ fast pace
Fade out/ fade in/ dissolve or wipe
Depth of field
Superimposition used to show the story- extra images
Cuts are most common as it doesnt distract the audience
Cut aways- voiceover whilst relevant images are shown- relevant to what
the person being interviewed is saying. Avoids jumpcuts- doesnt flow
Questions are usually edited out of interviews but we get what the question
is by the way the answer is given
Archive Material
Can be still images/ video clips
Sometimes shown in cutaways
Camera movement used when filming still archive material, for instance zoon
Relevant music- should not interfere with voiceover or visuals
Names of people being interviewed
Simple details usually 2 lines- name and what they do usually
Anchors who the person is on the screen
Gives relevance to the topic
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